Filtering by: “English Teens Track”


T302 - Living and Leading like Jesus

Doug Wong

Did you know we're all stewards of what God has given us? Whether it's at school, at work, among friends or your family, as Christians, we are all called to be stewards. This is where leadership starts - being good stewards with what we have. In this workshop, we'll explore biblical principles of leadership, how God has formed you as a leader, as well as giving you some practical tools to sharpen, maximize and unfold the potential of your God-given leadership - no matter your context.

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T301 - Theology in Practice

Jeremiah Modino

“Go make disciples of all nations…” What does that even mean? What does the word “mission” mean for the church, for Christians, and for you? The hope for this workshop, is that it will give you a Biblical and Christ-centered framework around the word “mission” as it relates to you—as a follower of Jesus; living in an affluent society in the cultural West.

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T201 - #LiveHolystic // How bridging the division in our lives sets us uniquely apart

James Beng Lee

As the world around us seems to be getting increasingly divided, there is a temptation for us to jump on the next “activist” agenda and exhaust our energy on the latest fight for unity. While these battles may be important and our desire for change may be well-meaning, there is one divide that James argues needs more of our attention. And that is the division that lies deep within ourselves. Through the honest lens of his own personal transformation journey through pain and addiction and the eternal lens of God’s Word, James will call us to a life of wholeness and holiness (ie to "liveholystic”) and show us how the intentional journey of bridging the divides in our personal life is critical if we want to see God’s vision of flourishing in our homes, churches and the wider world.

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