Volunteer 義工

In order to run a conference this size, we need many volunteers. This conference will need approximately 150–200 volunteers, serving a combined total of 1700 hours. Please consider supporting the winter conference ministry by serving as a volunteer.

可知道要舉辦一個龐大的會議,我們需要很多義務工作者來幫忙及協助.這個會議需要約150-200個義工,服務 合共1700小時.寥寥可數的幾人,是沒可能完成此舉的.希望您考慮透過參與義工工作支持冬令會的事工。

Volunteer Job Positions & Descriptions

Below is a list of various job descriptions. We highly encourage delegates to volunteer in one or more of the positions. Please consider how you can be an active participant. Volunteers will receive confirmation before conference in regarding to the position that serve in.

大會鼓勵參加者,加入義工行列,請選擇一個或多個職位。 冬令會之前,義工將收到電郵確認工作職位。

  • Responsible for leading small group. Spend time with members of your group by sharing, praying and reflecting on the day’s messages
    負責帶領小組團契, 與小組成員分享,祈禱及反思當日的訊息

    When?: Bedside Time
    Prerequisite: Christian

    Time Commitment: *4 nights x 1 hour = 4 hours.

    Number of volunteers needed: 1-2 leaders per group. Approximately 60 leaders needed. (One of the greatest needs).

  • Main Talk Usher (English Adults, Teens, Cantonese, Mandarin for Morning/Evening/Opening, Closing ceremony)

    Assist conference speakers

    Assist delegates to enter main talk areas safely and quickly

    Help collect donations for CCCWC

    Time Commitment: 6 talks
    時段: 六堂

    Number of volunteers needed: 50

  • Assist speaker

    Help transport equipment from general office to workshop area

    Time Commitment: 6 x 1.5 hours = 9 hours

    Number of volunteers needed: 32

  • Help make announcements as to special prayer needs

    Read the prayer items listed on Power Point / overhead

    Ask people to split into small groups for prayer.

    Time commitment: 2 X 1 hour

    Number of volunteers needed: 4

  • Responsible for either the audio and/or video aspects throughout the conference. Duties include: Setting up rooms in order for the speakers to deliver their presentation. Qualifications: basic knowledge of audio (connecting laptop audio to speaker) and video components (connecting laptops to projectors). Training on setup can be provided if required.

    在整個會議期間,負責有關音響和/或視像方面的工作。 職責包括:設置工作坊會場的影音設備,以便講員分享信息。 資格:音響(將筆記本電腦連接到揚聲器)和視像組件(將筆記本電腦連接到投影器)的基本知識。 如有需要,可提供培訓。

  • Responsible for welcoming delegates on the first day – answer any questions that delegates may have and direct to planning committee as needed. Help to direct traffic.

    負責在大會首日歡迎參加者 – 回答參加者任何疑問,按需要上達籌委會。 並幫助指導交通。

  • Responsible for ensuring delegates line up in an orderly fashion prior to meal times, collecting and counting meal tickets. Assist delegates who need help (seniors, families with young children, etc)

    負責維持用餐時段的秩序,收集飯票、和㸃數飯票數目。 並協助有需要的參加者(如長者、有幼童的家庭等)

  • Spend time with the children’s team and help lead various activities, games, devo or crafts! Opportunities available for different comfort levels

    與兒童節目團隊一同同工,幫助帶領各項活動、遊戲、靈修或手工! 可選擇適合個人能力的範疇事奉

  • Responsible for assisting in the general office during office hours. Help with things like handing out gifts, cheque reimbursements, and answering questions from delegates!
