Full-Time, Week Pass, and Evening Pass Registration is officially closed. Please register as Day Pass!
Full-Time, Week Pass, and Evening Pass Registration is officially closed. Please register as Day Pass!
Registration Details
In order to confirm your registration, the 62nd CCCWC planning committee must receive e-transfer or cheque within 5 days of registration. Your registration will be removed if we do not receive it by then.
If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to CCCWC.
支票抬頭請寫 CCCWC。Mail to 支票郵寄到:
3295 East Broadway,
Vancouver, BC V5M 1Z9 -
Simply email your payment to
Our bank account has been setup for automatic deposit so there is no need to generate a question and a security response.
我們的賬戶已設定為自動轉賬,你無須設定保安問題及答案。Please enter your WCDID + Full Name in the notes section. If you want to pay for more than one delegate, please list all WCDID numbers and names for whom you will be paying for.
請在備註一欄輸入您的WCDID號碼和姓名。 如果您要為多個參加者支付費用,請列明所有參加者的WCDID號碼和姓名。Once our team receives your E-transfer notice and the amount has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email from the registrar.
Only the first 60 paid full-time adult registrants (ages 19 & up) will receive a promotional gift item at the conference.
The online registration link can be found on our website.
To confirm your registration, the 62nd CCCWC planning committee must receive your payment (e-transfer or cheque) within 5 days of registration. Your registration will be removed if we do not receive payment by the appropriate day. For cheques, please make cheque payable to CCCWC and mail to 3295 East Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5M 1Z9
For enquiries, please Contact Us
報名表可在註冊頁表格項中下載,(注意: 需要其他表格如免責聲明或監護人同意書。)
要完成註冊程序,第62屆CCCWC籌備委會必須在註冊後5天內收到您的支票或銀行電子轉賬。如果屆時仍未收到付款,您的註冊將被取消。支票抬頭請寫CCCWC, 支票郵寄到 3295 East Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5M 1Z9
Each family member will need to register individually so that each person can be assigned a unique WCDID. However, families can send in one cheque or e-transfer for all of their fees combined.
A $50 administration charge will be deducted from each person's refunded amount in all situations.
For full time delegates, full refund will only be allowed if the registrant contact the registrar before the end of the early bird deadline (Sept 30 2024), half before the end of regular deadline (Oct 31, 2024). After October 31, 2024, no refund will be allowed.
Week Pass, Day Pass, and Evening Pass will not be eligible for refund.
如果參與者在晨鳥期限(2024年9月30日)或之前,電郵款項扣除$50行政費後將全額退還 ,2024年10月31日或之前,款項扣除$50行政費之後將退還一半。 10月31日之後,將不獲退款。
If you are ill with COVID19, we ask that you not attend the conference and contact us.
All minors who are 18 and under prior to Dec 27, 2024, must have a guardian present during the conference. The guardian attending the conference must be over the age of 25 and can only be responsible for a maximum of 8 minors (including their own child/children). These guidelines are in place in order to ensure that there is an adequate number of adult supervision for minors attending the conference.
You will receive a confirmation email in December with some general information regarding the positions you volunteer.
Volunteering is not mandatory. However, to run a conference this size, we need hundreds of volunteers serving a total of hundreds of volunteer hours. A few people alone can not run this conference. If everyone participates and serves in some way, it will make everyone’s experience much more enjoyable and beneficial. Please go through the volunteer list and select a volunteer position(s) when you register.
The eligibility of discounted registration fee (e.g. meeting deadline for early bird) is determined by the arrival date. Discounts for registration will not be valid if they are not paid within 5 days after registering.
1 Leader + 10 delegates. 1組長 + 10組員
Leader is complimentary, members get $25 discount each. 組長免費,組員每人減 $25。
Must meet the following criteria to receive the discount: 必須符合以下條件方可獲得優惠 :
All members must register individually on the winter conference website. 每位參加者均需要在冬令會網頁註冊
Group leader emails the list of 10 names and their WCDID to cccwc.registrar@gmail.com. 組長必須把所有組員名單(包括姓名及冬令會註冊編號)電郵到 cccwc.registrar@gmail.com
All delegates must be registered and paid in full and registered on or before Nov 15, 2024 ($25 will be refunded by cheque during the conference) 所有參加者必須在2024年11月15日或之前註冊及繳付所有費用。( $25將會在冬令會中以支票形式退回給參加者)
WEEK PASS delegates ONLY. 只限一週通行證參加者
Only applicable to those delegates who register as adults (Ages 13 & above) 只限成人 (13歲以上)
The first 100 paid non- British Columbia delegates who register on or before October 31, 2024, will be eligible for the transportation subsidy.
頭100名 在2024年10月31日或以前已付全數, 而居於卑詩省外的全時間參加者, 可獲交通補貼。
Full time delegate (age 2 and up) ONLY 只限全時間(兩歲及以上) 參加者
$200 for delegates from Alberta, Washington, or Oregon
來自亞省, 華盛頓州及俄勒岡州之參加者, 可獲 $200
$300 for delegates from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Ontario.
來自沙省, 緬省, 安省者可獲 $300
All reimbursements will be distributed during the conference (Dec 29) in the form of a cheque. All registration fees must be submitted at the time of registration.
For more information, please contact us.
查詢詳情, 請聯絡我們
To receive the discounted teens rate (ages 13-18) there must be 2 other full-time paying adults (19+) in your room, otherwise, you will be charged the quad or double occupancy rate.
Some churches usually set aside an amount of money for their church members to attend conference, please inquire the pastor or counsel from your church according to this.
Staying at the Hotel
When registering, you need to decide which category of room you are registering for. Family members (3-4) can register to lodge in the same room. Only same gender participants will be allowed to stay in the same room, except for family members, married couples, and individuals with special needs. If Participants who are unable to locate their roommate(s) on or before September 15, Planning Committee will assign roommate for them. If no roommate(s) can be arranged on or before November 15, 2024, Participants will need to pay the single occupancy rate surcharge ($550+). Please refer to the registration fee chart for all associated costs for quad, double, or single occupancy fee rates.
請於註冊時選擇房間種類。家庭成員(3-4人)可以註冊在同一個房間。只有同性參加者可以留在同一個房間,家人,已婚夫婦和有特殊需要的人士除外。未能於2024年9月15日或之前提交室友名稱,籌備委員會將代為安排室友。如於11月15日或之前仍未能安排室友, 將須支付單人房附加費 ($550+) 。詳情請參閱報名費用中房間費用一欄。
To protect all delegates due to COVID19, once you have determined and submitted who your roommates are and the rooming list is submitted, you are NOT allowed to change rooms. Delegates are expected to comply to these regulations. To contact us regarding rooming issues, please contact the registrar.
因新冠疫情關係, 參加者提交室友名單後, 將不可轉換房間.註冊部會盡力迎合各人對房間分配的需要與要求。但房間經分配後,除非有特殊情況出現,否則參加者不可自行轉換房間。轉房要求必須在令會開始前向註冊部提出。 令會開始後,為安全理由(如因緊急事件,大會需要聯絡房內參加者,或作緊急疏散,酒店及大會需要與各參加者隨時接觸),參加者不可自行轉換房間。對於房間分配,註冊部有最終決定權。如有問題,請電郵
Delegates who wish to occupy one room with two people can choose full time double occupancy during online registration.
Housekeeping is offered everyday.
At the Conference
Please proceed to the General Office.
Week pass delegates do not receive any meals at the conference. There are some restaurants surrounding the hotel. Holiday hours may be in effect.
Only full-time delegates are entitled to a meal plan. For all other delegates, there are restaurants in malls near the hotel.
In case of fire, you will be directed to specific muster points depending on your location at the time of the fire alarm. If you are in the guestrooms, please do not use the elevator, please use the stairwell.
Workshop tickets are required to attend registered workshops. If a delegate wishes to attend other workshops that he/she did not register for prior to the conference, they have the option to lineup in the standby queue for that workshop. If you have further questions, please contact us.
These restrictions are primarily due to restrictions in room sizes, COVID19 protocols, and fire code regulations. Workshop registration is on a first come first serve basis.
You can change the workshop selection anytime as long as seats are available before November 15, 2024. Once you select and submit your choice, your original reserved seat will be released. If the workshop is full, no selection will be available.