Transportation Subsidy 交通補貼
The first 100 paid Full Time non- British Columbia delegates who register on or before October 31, 2024, will be eligible for the transportation subsidy.
頭100名 在2024年10月31日或以前已付全數, 而居於卑詩省外的全時間參加者, 可獲交通補貼。
Full time delegate (age 2 and up) ONLY只限全時間 (兩歲及以上) 參加者
$200 for delegates from Alberta, Washington, or Oregon
來自亞省, 華盛頓州及俄勒岡州之參加者, 可獲 $200$300 for delegates from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Ontario.
來自沙省, 緬省, 安省者可獲 $300
All reimbursements will be distributed during the conference (Dec 29) in the form of a cheque. All registration fees must be submitted at the time of registration.