嚴禁使用煙酒、毒品、色情物品及進行賭博,違者會即時被逐出大會。 所有參加者(包括即場參加者)必須向大會登記,並繳交所有費用。 所有參加者於大會內應表現基督徒的操守及行為。 會議期間參加者須一直佩戴大會名牌和手帶,以便酒店工作人員和冬令會義工識別。 所有未滿18歲的參加者離開會議場地之前,必須獲得監護人的批准,並通知青少年項目或兒童節目負責人。 未經註冊部許可,參加者不可擅自更換房間。 未經籌委會許可,參加者不可在任何大會項目舉行期間進行錄音或錄影。 籌委會有最後決定權終止任何違反以上規則者之與會權利,包括把違反者逐出大會。食宿費將不獲發還。 大會規則以英文版本為準。

ABSOLUTELY NO consumption of alcohol, smoking, gambling, use of illicit drugs or pornograhic materials allowed. Anyone violating this rule is subject to immediate expulsion from the Conference. All delegates (including walk-ins) must register and pay the required fees. All delegates should exhibit appropriate Christian conduct during the Conference. All delegates should wear their nametag and wristband at all times during the Conference so that hotel staff and CCCWC volunteers know that they are conference attendees. All attendees under the age of 18 must have their guardian's approval and inform the teens or children’s track coordinators before leaving the conference site. Absolutely no changing of rooms without the permission of the Registrar. No audio and/or video recording during conference sessions, unless approved by the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee reserves the right to suspend the privileges of those delegates who violate any of the above regulations, including expulsion from the Conference. The decision of the Planning Committee is final and binding. In case of dispute, the English version is assumed to be the correct version.