Workshops 工作坊
Cantonese Track
本講座將以「文本互涉」(intertextuality) ,即舊約其他經文,甚至是新約的經文與阿摩司書經文裡的 「相互聯繫」之角度去探索阿摩司書中的多元豐富信息。從而也借鏡現代基督徒對經文之詮釋,同時又體會經文如何閱讀作為讀者的我們。
雖然您已步入人生的下半場,但您是否仍覺得自己有成長的空間?在中年過渡期及之後,您是否仍能適應變化,過著多彩而有意義的生活?通過學習聖經中的人物例子以及艾瑞克森的社會心理發展階段理論,Dr. Agnes 將幫助您評估您的生命、重新檢視目標、為神追求您的夢想 – 幫助您在新的人生階段中有創意地發揮自己。
曾經有人說過:「人生整體來說只有少部份時間是十分快樂,也只有少部份時間是十分痛苦,大部分時間是苦樂參半。」 歷代 不少哲學和神學家都嘗試探討「人生如何能得到真正的快樂?」這個問題。對於基督徒來說,我們很多人都聽過‘「要常常喜樂」(帖前5:16a)、「喜樂的心乃是良藥」(箴17:22)等聖經良言,但在面對這外面與裡面的世界都動盪不安,又試問有幾人能夠苦中作樂?我們不禁會問, 我們 的基督信仰如何承載各種苦難和迷失?這工作坊將帶你從早期教父神學家牧者奧古斯丁在公元410年羅馬城被攻佔的風雲歲月之後寫的鉅著《上帝之城》中,探索他如何從聖經和神學的角度,幫助信徒在各種紛擾中突破哲學的限制和偶像的迷惑,再與掌管天地和歷史的上主深深連結,在各種人生震盪中重新發現幸福快樂的意義和方向。
English Adults Track
This lecture addresses this prickly issue in a biblical way while at the same time trying to be sensitive to the people involved. How should Christians respond to gay people? What does the Bible really teach on this question and how can we best express and live out this teaching.
Let's face it, money can be a sticky topic. How much is too much? How do you faithfully earn as much as possible? In this workshop, we'll break down how to manage your finances in a way that lines up with your Christian values. We'll talk budgeting, saving, investing, and giving. What are the Holy habits that you can start developing that will serve you as your earning potential grows? Plus, we'll share some common pitfalls to avoid along the way.
Building one another up to love and live as Jesus did. In this seminar, we will learn how to recognize and love the person of Holy Spirit, who's with us to love Jesus by empowering us with grace and power to strengthen one another. Discover the Holy Spirit's empowering presence and gift in you!
Why has tolerance been elevated to such a high level of importance in our society? Can Christians live out and express their faith in our culture without being labelled intolerant? This lecture asks this question, and then goes on to explore the dilemmas Christians sometimes face on this question. Then we will define this term, discuss whether Christians should be tolerant, and finally set out ways in which we can engage others on this issue. In the end our goal is to navigate our way through it as followers of Christ.
Come listen to Freda’s story of transforming from a teenage immigrant living in Vancouver all by herself, to being the President and CEO, Asia Pacific of a multinational organization managing thousands of people across 10 countries. What does it mean to honor God at work? What are the struggles at an executive level in the business world as a Christian? How have you used your God given talents to develop your career and apply to ministry/everyday life? What is it like to be an Asian in an executive role of a predominately Caucasian organization? How did you manage to get to where you are especially as an Asian woman? Come with all your questions and let’s learn together.
Do you want to improve your communication skills, build stronger relationships, and develop greater self-awareness? In this transformative session, we'll look at the process for enhancing your emotional intelligence and unlocking your full potential. We'll start by exploring the basics of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. We’ll dive into strategies for managing your emotions, building resilience, and developing healthy relationships with others. You'll learn how to identify your emotional triggers, communicate more effectively, and build better boundaries with those around you. We'll also discuss common roadblocks to emotional intelligence, such as negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, and lack of self-confidence. You'll learn how to overcome these obstacles and develop the mindset you need to succeed.
Join Registered Psychologist Edward Ng for an overview of how mental health conditions are thought to arise. Biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual perspectives will be considered, with applications for how suffering in each category may be alleviated. A short Q&A session will follow the main presentation.
Whether you're new to your faith in Jesus or have been a Christian for decades, if you've wondered how you can be more attentive to where God is working and effective in sharing your faith with those around you, this workshop is for you. We will look at helpful principles, postures and practices in evangelism such as what questions or modern day parables can be applied into conversations, explore what it could look like to journey with people who don't seem interested in God and what is our part in sowing, nurturing and at times reaping as we join God in His work to draw people to Himself. If you like God stories, there will be a few of those too.
With so many competing sources of identity today, it is inevitable that we should all face a degree of identity crisis. What is truest about me? What is best about me? How can I know? This workshop unpacks the meta-identity of God’s People, as well as showing how we can follow the breadcrumbs of personal brokenness to discover the unique ways in which each of us has been crafted to reflect His glory. Come prepared to be vulnerable.
Teens Track
Learn some of the biggest mistakes people make when choosing a partner as well as the most important thing to look for in a partner. The answer might surprise you.
Have you tried to share your faith with a non-Christian only to have them say "That's fine that you believe that, but I just can't put my faith in the Bible"? In this workshop, we'll talk about the real reason that people don't trust the Bible- it's not because of arguments and evidence, it's because of underlying assumptions. We'll talk about misunderstandings that both Christians and non-Christians have about what the Bible is and how we should read it, as well all as discuss how the Bible is trustworthy when properly understood.
What is compatibility in a relationship exactly? What levels of compatibility are the most important to consider when looking for a life partner? How do you know if you're compatible with the person you're considering? Join Rev. J.B. as he explores these questions and more.
Have you ever wondered whether Jesus would have been an activist for Social Justice or whether we as Christians should be? In this workshop, we'll talk about the Bible's relationship to Social Justice. We'll discuss how modern ideas of Social Justice relate to Biblical principles, what Jesus had to say about it, and how we as Christians can practically live out our faith when interacting with controversial social issues today.
How do you know if the person you're considering really is the one for you?
Has science disproven the Bible? Is modern science humanistic and rebellious against God? Is faith in an unseen God at odds with critical thinking and scientific rigour? Are faith and science to be relegated to separate spheres? What does the Bible really mean by faith? How should we think about science, whether we are studying it ourselves or hearing others talk about it? Open to all, even if you're not studying or interested in science.