
L311 - 用右腦讀聖經

陳頌恩牧師博士 (Rev. Dr. Joyce CHAN)

華人信徒酷愛查經。一般以左腦以文字為本 (thinking in words) 的邏輯思維了解經文意義,包括研究歷史背景、查考原文字彙、分析文體結構等方法。在這個工作坊中,導師會帶領學員嘗試用右腦專長於圖象感受(feeling through visualization) 的功能去更深切體會神話語對我們生命的信息。請參加此工作坊的朋友帶備一本速寫本 (sketchbook) 和顏色筆。

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E303 - 4 Messages That Transform Relationships

Lydia Nigh

Every day the words we speak carry overt and hidden messages. What messages are we relaying to others and are they building up our relationships or tearing them down? Here are four messages that God speaks to us that we can speak to others and even to ourselves. They are powerful and transformational and apply to every relationship.

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E301 - An Encouragement for 2nd Generation English Ministries of Chinese Churches

Matthew Todd

We are living in turbulent times that have created a lot of confusion and struggle. Maybe you feel it’s sapped your plans, dreams, and peace leading you to resonate with the new work term “quiet quitting.” Encouragement is like oxygen, it clears our hearts and minds and inspires us. This workshop emphasizes a renewed focus, deconstructing where we’ve been, and spurring one another on.

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C303 - 探索新移民男士的需要及牧養

黃慶深牧師 Rev. Sam Wong


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C302 - 從兒童事工到兒童門訓


過去二、三十年的教會運作模式,主要是以事工為主導,兒童事工也不例外。但最近Barna組織「兒童事工的新現實」的研究報告中指出:兒童事工模式已不切合新時代的需要。教會和父母都為下一代陸續離開教會而感到擔心和無助。Reggie Joiner,Think Orange 的創辦人提醒我們:「作為領袖,作為父母,我們的主要呼召不是讓我們的孩子留在教會,而是塑造他們成為教會……我們能給他們最好的禮物就是幫助他們尋找自己在上帝救贖和復和故事中扮演的角色,並積極參與在其中。」在這個工作坊中,學員有機會反思一貫兒童事工模式的利弊,並一同締造並思考如何實現以天國為導向的兒童門訓願景。鼓勵兒童事工的義工、家長和教牧領袖一同參加此工作坊。

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T302 - Living and Leading like Jesus

Doug Wong

Did you know we're all stewards of what God has given us? Whether it's at school, at work, among friends or your family, as Christians, we are all called to be stewards. This is where leadership starts - being good stewards with what we have. In this workshop, we'll explore biblical principles of leadership, how God has formed you as a leader, as well as giving you some practical tools to sharpen, maximize and unfold the potential of your God-given leadership - no matter your context.

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T301 - Theology in Practice

Jeremiah Modino

“Go make disciples of all nations…” What does that even mean? What does the word “mission” mean for the church, for Christians, and for you? The hope for this workshop, is that it will give you a Biblical and Christ-centered framework around the word “mission” as it relates to you—as a follower of Jesus; living in an affluent society in the cultural West.

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C212 - 你明白所唱的嗎 ?

吳忻牧師博士 Rev.Dr. Zion Wu


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C213 - 屬靈實戰實踐入門(信徒屬靈權柄運用初階)

黃明揚牧師 Rev. Ming Wong



內容:a)属灵成長的鬥爭,b)福音灵魂的争夺,c)受托者的保护,d)地域/群体的遮蓋 , e)属灵騷擾的勝過。

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T201 - #LiveHolystic // How bridging the division in our lives sets us uniquely apart

James Beng Lee

As the world around us seems to be getting increasingly divided, there is a temptation for us to jump on the next “activist” agenda and exhaust our energy on the latest fight for unity. While these battles may be important and our desire for change may be well-meaning, there is one divide that James argues needs more of our attention. And that is the division that lies deep within ourselves. Through the honest lens of his own personal transformation journey through pain and addiction and the eternal lens of God’s Word, James will call us to a life of wholeness and holiness (ie to "liveholystic”) and show us how the intentional journey of bridging the divides in our personal life is critical if we want to see God’s vision of flourishing in our homes, churches and the wider world.

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E201 - The Naked Truth: Overcoming the effects of Pornography on our Brain, our Heart, and our World

Simon Gau

Our culture treats pornography like it’s no big deal, but it is affecting us more than we may think. The Church rarely talks about it in an in depth way and there is much shame surrounding the issue. In this "shame-free" workshop, we will learn from real stats and facts about the devastating effects of pornography and what can be done to break the cycle.

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E202 - Prayer: Praxis & Perspectives

Nikki White

How can I pray effectively for another person in their presence? In this workshop we will spend time talking about the Biblical Basis for personal (“hands-on”) prayer ministry, the helpful use of the gifts of the Spirit, a biblically-balanced perspective on the charismatic, and a clinic to practice hearing from God. Then, as a large group, we will walk through a real-time prayer ministry encounter, pausing at each stage to interact over what we are learning. Come prepared to risk.

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E203 - Why do people stop believing and what can we do about it?

Paul Chamberlain

Have you ever wondered if there is anything you can do to prevent people from leaving the faith? In this lecture, we will address the recent wave of Christians, including leaders, who are turning away and becoming some of Christianity’s most ardent critics. We will ask why people choose to leave and then set out steps we can take to address these causes and also to engage them if they do. Last we will ask if there are things we can do to encourage the faith of people who are questioning.

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C111 - 從後疫情時代反思錫安之歌的敬拜委身對今日的挑戰

陳耀棠牧師 Rev. Yiu Tong Chan

這是從聖地到聖經再到靈命反省系列課程的其中一課。此課程特色是簡潔地探討和勾劃聖地及聖經世界的當代歷史、文化、地理和背景,作為引發聖經經文裡震撼的信息,從而挑戰自我靈命作出反省和操練。課程內容都是經多年在聖地實地考察和近期資料,並以豐富的圖像、及視像作教材。使我們可以從學習中更洞察神如何塑造我們靈命,並賜福我們。本研習班重點是通過後疫情時代的衝擊和新常態來反思錫安之歌對今日的敬拜更新, 使命委身的挑戰。

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C113 - 伴你同行人生路:簡介屬靈導引和人生教練的貢獻

嚴國樑牧師博士 Rev. Dr. Enoch YIM

當古代修院的瑰寶--屬靈導引(Spiritual Direction) 與 近代的一個助人模式(model) -- 人生教練(Life Coach) 兩者的相遇、相知與相融,随著將兩種模式的整合及配搭,能更適切地與信徒同行人生路,以致有助信徒能深化與神的關係,並活出使命的人生。

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E103 - When You’re Challenged, Then What: How To Respond to an Objection to Your Faith

Paul Chamberlain

Do you ever freeze up when someone challenges or questions your faith or lifestyle? Do you wish you were better equipped to respond persuasively? Have you wondered how anyone can be prepared for so many objections? In this session, we will set out key principles and strategies anyone can use to respond more confidently to questions and challenges we face.

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E102 - Prayer: Vision & Vocation

Nikki White

You are God’s Plan A. Do you believe this? Do you have a vision for what happens when we pray, in our vocation as God’s Image-bearing Royal Priests? In this workshop, we will explore how a deeper understanding of the significance of the Temple throughout scripture can inspire and inform our prayer life in dynamic new ways. Time will be spent in large group discussion, but also in small groups where we can practice what we learn together about Temple-filling prayer.

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C101 - 從死海的過去現在將來再思靈命突破和更新

陳耀棠牧師 Rev. Yiu Tong Chan

這是從聖地到聖經再到靈命反省系列課程的其中一課。此課程特色是簡潔地探討和勾劃聖地及聖經世界的當代歷史、文化、地理和背景,作為引發聖經經文裡震撼的信息,從而挑戰自我靈命作出反省和操練。課程內容都是經多年在聖地實地考察和近期資料,並以豐富的圖像、及視像作教材。使我們可以從學習中更洞察神如何塑造我們靈命,並賜福我們。本研習班重點是通過理解有關死海不死和再活的研究, 現在的處境,和聖經對死海將來的描述, 來探討靈命成長路上的突破和重新得力。

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E101 - Holy Spirit University

Simon Gau

How familiar are you with the Holy Spirit? Let me ask you a question. It’s not a trick question, although it’s going to feel like one: As Christ followers today, do we directly interact with Jesus? How you answer may reveal how much or how little you may know about this crucial topic. We're going back to school and are going to be discovering the person of the Holy Spirit and the role of the Holy Spirit.

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