62nd Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference

Living in God’s Presence
Psalm 詩篇 23:6

December 27–31, 2024
Richmond, BC

Full time registration has been closed!

Please register as week pass, evening pass, and day pass!


 Meet our Keynote Speakers

  • Cantonese Main Talk Speaker

    高銘謙牧師/博士是建道神學院院長(代),聖經研究學部主任,滕近輝教席副教授,英國杜倫大學哲學博士(舊約),中華宣道會友愛堂義務牧師,喜歡閱讀、跑步、寫書、希伯來文。 研究的範圍:聖殿神學、利未人、祭司傳統、神學詮釋、申典歷史、被擄回歸歷史與波斯帝國。著書20多本,並在中英文國際期刊發表學術文章。曾任學園傳道會校園同工、中華宣道會恩友堂傳道。

  • English Adults Main Talk Speaker

    Rev./Dr. Ken Shigematsu is the Senior Pastor of Tenth Church in Vancouver, BC, one of the largest and most diverse city-center churches in Canada. He is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded to Canadians in recognition for their outstanding contribution to the country. Before entering pastoral ministry, he worked for the Sony Corporation in Tokyo. Rev./Dr. Ken is the author of the award-winning bestsellers God in My Everything and Survival Guide for the Soul, and his recently released book (May 2023) Now I Become Myself. Rev./Dr. Ken lives in Vancouver with his wife, Sakiko, and their son, Joey.

  • English Teens Main Talk Speaker

    Growing up as a church kid wasn’t always the easiest for Pastor Taylor, and a unique set of circumstances led him to abandon his faith in his teens. It wasn’t until he was older that he rededicated his life to Christ, and has been passionate about serving Christ and the Church ever since. Based on Pastor Taylor’s experience, he has a desire for students to come to know Christ and for them to be examples of Christ’s love to the broken world around us.

    Pastor Taylor has been in ministry for over a decade, where he has served as a Young Adult’s Pastor, a Senior Pastor, and a Youth Pastor. He grauated from Summit Pacific College with a Bachelors of Pastoral Theology, and holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University in Virginia Beach. In his spare time Pastor Taylor likes to cook, read, spend time with his family, and play the occasional video game.